The Little-known Disadvantages of Multitasking: It’s bad for you
Multitasking, a common misconception is that it is a valuable skill that high performing people are gifted with. In reality though, mulitasking is more of a hinderance to productivity than a boon.
5 helpful strategies for the not average (Do you ever feel like you just don’t fit in?)
Just because the world caters to the average, doesn’t mean that’s all there is. This article explains how and why the world caters to the average majority, and suggests 5 simple strategies to help yourself if you’re not average in some way.
Courage is a virtue you already have
Courage is a virtue that you probably already admire in other people. Now, consider that you, along with all human beings, were born with courage. In fact, you’ve naturally demonstrated courage ever since you were a tiny baby.
Choose joy
The lives of others may seem amazing to you. Yet even the super-rich, celebrities, and people who seem to have everything anyone could desire may not remember (or feel able) to choose joy.
What makes a good life?
The notion of what makes a good life has been pondered and discussed by humans for millennia. This article takes a looks at a few of the ideas put forward by some western philosophers.
Radical self reliance to discover your inner strength
This article is for the a modern individual with limited ability to cope if some kind of apocalypse actually arrives. So, just about everyone then...
Coping with stress when you just don’t have time: The ONE mindful breath
We’re all living busy lives filled with psychological stress, and we all need a quick, easy way for coping with stress when you just don’t have time.
Dealing with guilt in an imperfect you: How to repair and rebuild
There is no way to live a perfect life and no matter how hard you try, you will make mistakes. Dealing with guilt is easy, when you know how.