Tag Archive for: depression

How to cope when grief comes in waves

Grief may feel like an endless experience, welling up, surging and breaking over you, but there are stages to your grief. Understanding these stages will help you to cope when grief comes in waves.
Blue flowers frozen inside three ice cubes, on a black background.
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BWRT is a powerful therapy technique that might just change your life – Part 1

BWRT (Brain Working Recursive Therapy) is a wonderful new therapeutic technique originally developed by Terence Watts in 2011. It's a client-centred method that uses your imagination to find a path to your healing.  A quick and efficient treatment…
a man on bench suffering from sadness or depression

Are you suffering from sadness or depression?

It’s not unusual to hear people describe themselves as “depressed”, so it can be confusing to tell if they (or perhaps you personally) are experiencing sadness or depression. This article helps you to understand the difference between…
gold maskhttps://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/gold'>Gold photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com

Imposter Syndrome: When you feel like a fraud

You know the saying “Fake it till you make it”? What if you made it, but still feel like you’re faking it? An estimated 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives, but it’s surprisingly common among senior…
Post-natal depression baby monitor

Post-natal depression: the dark side of pregnancy and motherhood

  If you’re pregnant or recently gave birth, it’s seen as a positive, joyful, even miraculous experience. But giving birth and raising a baby can be scary. Most women expect to sail through the whole experience, but things can take…